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Saturday 3 March 2012

world book day and cute hippo!

<-cute hippo <3
sorry i haven't posted on here for a while :/ On Thursday i was world book day and my brother had to dress up as i book character for school. I don't know if you've ever had to get a costume of a book character for a boy but it is REALLY hard i swear there are hardly any boy book characters except from Harry Potter and my brother refused to wear the 3D glasses (with the lenses popped out) and have a lightning bolt drawn on his head with eye-liner. we went out to practically every shop and ended up with a robin hood costume- it was either that or superman. At the moment im in depressed mode as in english we're doing 'the charity project' and for homework we have to find a charity advert and then write a p.e.e paragraph on one of the techniques used which is actually really easy but all the adverts are SOOOOO sad D: oh well

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