Blogger Widgets

Saturday 17 March 2012


firstly i am in SUCH a good probably because it's Saturday!
see those buttons somewhere over there -> yeah i made them.
They took me ages but i did it if you don't like your one and want it changed you can make your own one and send it to me or comment and i'll change it :)  Also i'm trying out different sized writing although you probably noticed that. I need to talk to emma but her phone seems to always be off so

 dear emma,
if you are out there reading this PLEASE call me it's important and if you have a million miss calls from me then that's because my phone has gone all spazy
love akansha

 with my phone every time i put headphones in it starts calling emma i don't know why but it's really annoying.
link to bob's blog :)
in other news robert (Emma's bf) has made a blog

anyway bye peeps!

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