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Sunday 11 March 2012


i just graded in karate now im a... *drum roll*

BLUE BELT!!!!!!! i was soooo worried they'd fail me but they didn't i think the worst part is at the end where you have to fight the black belts because they are really scary. it's non contact which is good but my sister still got knocked on the floor, not once but TWICE i didn't so i've just but rubbing that in her face for the last half hour.i was already really nervous about grading and to make it worse my teacher (sensei) wasn't there so i had no one to help :(  at least it's over now hurray! also yesterday was my dads birthday and we got him an epic cake it was so nice i think everyone in my family gets good cakes but me it's so unfair i always get the plain, manky, boring one that nobody wants oh well as one of my friends used to say for
EVERYTHING "life's unfair get over it" and on that wonderfully happy note,

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