Blogger Widgets

Saturday 19 May 2012

kanky the button: reborn!!!

I'm back!!!!!
     with lots to talk about if i haven't forgotten it all :(

hhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii peeps 
i haven't been on here for aaaaggggeeeesssss - sorry about that although i do have a reason:
the charger to my laptop  died and when is say died i mean DIED it even had smoke coming out of it because of this i couldn't use my laptop (it can't last for longer than 30 seconds without its charger; we timed it) and being the clever person i am i forgot my login so i couldn't login from any other computer except this one because this one has it saved on. anyway, enough about that, loads of things have happened since my laptop died and i can't remember them all( my mind has selective memory it remembers random and useless information (. _.  ) ) here is a very undetailed list of stuff that happened:

  • i got a new phone
  • it was fia's b-day.  fia if you're reading this i still have your present and card
  • i went to London - this wasn't very fun as my aunt came to England (from India) and we took her to London which was all great but what annoyed me was that we went all the way to London and didn't go in a SINGLE shop other than burger king 
  • my aunt came from india                                                                                                                                            
and this is my favourite one drum roooolllllllll...
  • I HAVE A BABY COUSIN- she's a girl and she's SOOOOOOO cute and as i've never had any baby girls around and they live about 2 minutes walking time away i'm there literally every weekend 

 i LOVE russell howard and this video is a MUST see ---------------------------------- |


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