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Saturday 26 May 2012

That awkward moment when you think you've lost something important and search everywhere only to realise it's in your bag 
( kate)

today was sooooooo embarrassing i had to perform at a fair. don't get me wrong i love dancing and performing is like my dream but not when we're doing Austin powers and everyone else was wearing a black top but i had to wear a bright red one because my dad couldn't be bothered to read a stupid e-mail. other than that it was wonderful. It was nice seeing my old school again with all the teachers and some of the people and i saw fia and FINALLY managed to give her the birthday present i got for her also we're having a barbecue today which absolutely awesome!!!! 

I've also learnt my spelling is atrocious- thank goodness for spell check- seriously i had to ask my friend how to spell religious the other day i feel ashamed. On the brighter side of life I've started reading the hunger games, i got them yesterday and i'm already half way through the book it is AMAZING!!!! 

I think that's about it bye peeps :)

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