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Friday 17 February 2012

so booooorreeeddd :(

im so bored there's nothing to do. i just printed out my drama homework; i had to write a poem about my own wonderland (we're doing alice in wonderland) i'm quite proud of it even though most of it doesn't make sense and i would post it on here but it's two pages long and i don't think it's worth the effort. Also my dad and sister are going on this weird diet-ish thing so that means no proper food for a week which is NOT good. Oh well on the brighter side of life my brother's at a party with his friends so at least he can't bug me. Speaking of parties i went to one last Monday it was so much fun. We went bowling and then went to pizza express; while we were in pizza express my friend and i started laughing so much that we almost choked on our food. Anyways see ya peeps. :p

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